Ayurvedic massage is a form of massage reaching to all the internal organs and tissues, and whilst being very soothing and comforting, it allows the detoxifying process to take place to a far greater degree than is often understood or recognized.
Understanding how this works will help you to benefit the most in all that you do with Ayurveda.
De-toxification or purification is about removing toxins and those matters that obstruct the proper and effective functioning of not only the physical organs and tissues but also of the mind/emotions.
Often we suffer due to the inability to understand or accept the mental/emotional state we are put in or put ourselves in. Situations and words uttered by close ones, when not understood nor clarified cause confusion and hurt, and become unforgiving and painful, progressively leading to resentment and even hatred. Yet one may feel unable or unwilling to do anything about this situation. This leads to major imbalances of the mind/emotions. Though one can consider they are living a ‘good life’ but, with such subtle issues unrecognized or unwilling to recognize them, this will eventually cause some form of dis-ease to manifest. This dis-ease can be of any nature, depending on the Dosha and ‘Lifestyle’ of the individual.
You can see that toxins can be formed through the mind and emotions.
During the process of Ayurvedic massage, where the application of herbal and special oil is combined with continuous long strokes and heat, such stubborn toxins move from the subtle areas of the mind and emotions. Deep-seated mental/emotional pains and issues, left unattended or even forgotten, but still ‘there’ will ‘move’ with this kind of massage. When this happens, the patient-client will start to realize this process and will want to shed these negative feelings. Some may experience this in the form of crying or sadness or heaviness. When this passes one feels very relieved as if a burden has been lifted resulting in feeling lighter.
Mental/emotional issues can include a million matters and for each person one may be more important than the other.
Ayurvedic massage is called ‘Snehana’ meaning love and compassion. It allows one to experience the deep and natural feeling of love of One’s Self and respect for those around. When toxins begin to move in massage, the various feelings should be allowed to be experienced and not denied. If one denies such experiences, then one is not allowing the toxins to be removed.
In Ayurvedic massage, due to the purpose of the patient needing to experience the movement of such physical, mental and emotional toxins, talking is greatly discouraged. One is left to experience that which is taking place to its fullest and only then it becomes a de-toxifying therapy. This is one of the things that set it apart from other massage therapies (though in no other massage therapy is talking encouraged). Yes, the client-patient is of course encouraged to talk about any experiences with the physician/consultant for clarification on another day. It is, however, important the person rests immediately after massage.
The method of massage in Ayurveda is deep and with long flowing strokes. This continuous flow not only gets the oil deeper into the tissues but is also symbolic of the continuous process of detoxification and flow of knowledge of Ayurveda to you, thus allowing you to see your correct nature.
Ayurvedic massage is not only holistic in nature but it is also a ‘Holy’ process where you, in the form of the body, and mind/emotions are recognized and respected as the very TRUTH.